ABOOK 37 主題:腐 Decay 在日常生活中,食物會腐敗,動植物的殘骸會腐爛,儘管世間萬物與人都難逃腐爛的命運,人類還是想盡辦法躲避 “腐” 這件事情,所以我們有了冰箱,有了防腐劑,甚至刻意讓腐化的過程使食物變得更鮮美。 我們生活中無可避免腐爛的現象,出生至死亡也許就是個腐爛的過程?死亡與腐爛對於地球上的生命至關重要,世界不會因死亡而停止轉動。猶如大樹的倒下,為大氣帶來二氧化碳;細菌與蛆蟲努力將死亡生物的養分轉化成新的生命。
我們都是其他生命的一部分,從生到死,從死到生,週而復始,最終都將通過循環而再次生生不息。 👉🏽敬請期待 「腐」 腐敗後才知道新生的痛快 👉🏽「腐」開放主題徵稿中! 以往ABOOK MAGAZINE開放攝影類別主題徵稿,從這期開始,期待看見不同形式的創,包含:平面、攝影、文字、視頻,並附上作品發想與介紹,都可以投稿! 👆🏽作品入選者,會刊登在這期ABOOK 線上雜誌內,日後舉辦攝影講座等相關活動,將優先邀請入選者共同參與! ✌🏽投稿請寄至:[email protected] 來信主旨麻煩註明:投稿「ABOOK ISSUE 37 腐」,(你的名字)。 ✌🏽即日起至2020/7/8截止 腐後新生,迎接美好! ABOOK MAGAZINE ISSUE 37 「腐」 CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS! When there is life, there is death. The slow process leading to demise, we call it many words; age, decline, rot, decompose, decay。。。 Food rot, animal and plant remains decay; all life on earth cannot escape this endless chain. We invented the refrigerator, preservatives, and even found ways to ferment food as if to somehow make the process less repulsive. But, when will we all see that it’s inevitable? There’s no need to fight it. Decay. It’s part of the life and death. There needs to be life for there to be death; but also, there needs to be death for there to be life. Trees fall, but bring nutrients to the earth. Worms and bugs attack the decayed, while harvesting energy to create new life. It’s a cycle, and each process along the way is important. ✌🏽We invite you to look at 【DECAY】 in a new way! Send us your interpretation! ✌🏽Calling for Submissions: Genre: photographs, graphic design, art, words, or video ✌🏽Chosen submissions will be featured in the next issue of ABOOK MAGAZINE. Please include an explanation of your concept and/or introduction of your work. ✌🏽Submit to:[email protected] Submission email title:Submit_ABOOKISSUE37_Decay_(your name) ✌🏽Deadline on 2020/7/8 #Abookmagazine #腐Decay #腐後新生 🤝追蹤ABOOK MAGAZINE 的 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/abookmagazine/ |
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