ABOOK MAGAZINE 於2009年成立。從前身PARTTIME 雜誌開始到現在,一直以雙月刊的形式發行,直至今日,始終是台灣僅見,展現極致時尚潮流的視覺資訊雜誌。由於流行產業需要更多大膽創新、甚至實驗性的視覺作品,我們嘗試把 ABOOK MAGAZINE 變成專業攝影工作者與攝影愛好者,索取知識與攝影行業相關潮流的平台,讓讀者能夠在此獲得新的啟發。ABOOK MAGAZINE 內容包含攝影影視相關行業資訊,最新時尚流行的視覺創作,國際文化藝術相關資訊的報導,同時也開放給全世界的攝影師一起參與,共同展現他們的作品。ABOOK MAGAZINE 提供讀者全新的視角和不同的觀點,去接觸到具有強烈創造力的視覺創作,並是一個橋樑連接國內外的交流平台。
ABOOK MAGAZINE was founded in 2009 (previously PARTTIME Magazine) as a bi-monthly E-zine. Seeing a need in the industry for more creative, daring, and experimental photography, ABOOK MAGAZINE was established to be a platform for industry personnel and photography enthusiasts to obtain and be inspired by the latest news and trends in the field. ABOOK MAGAZINE is a fashion, photography, art, and cultural news exchange; our goal is to offer local but also international insight on these topics. ABOOK MAGAZINE also provides the opportunity for photographers and creative personnel from around the globe to submit and publish their work. We hope to engage readers to see different subjects from various perspectives, and to offer less commercial yet more creative imagery for the senses.
ABOOK MAGAZINE was founded in 2009 (previously PARTTIME Magazine) as a bi-monthly E-zine. Seeing a need in the industry for more creative, daring, and experimental photography, ABOOK MAGAZINE was established to be a platform for industry personnel and photography enthusiasts to obtain and be inspired by the latest news and trends in the field. ABOOK MAGAZINE is a fashion, photography, art, and cultural news exchange; our goal is to offer local but also international insight on these topics. ABOOK MAGAZINE also provides the opportunity for photographers and creative personnel from around the globe to submit and publish their work. We hope to engage readers to see different subjects from various perspectives, and to offer less commercial yet more creative imagery for the senses.
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意團隊有限公司 版權所有 Copyright 2024 ABOOK MAGAZINE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED |